In all that time, Parker has made few, if any, public statements on his policy positions. Appoint judges to the new judicial district, Property tax exemption for Gold Star spouses, Create a Healthy School Meals for All program. Ricks is the recommended candidate in this race. Conway has a long history of community service and leadership in her career and as a volunteer. She is running to make sure that the community has a voice and stands for veterans, working families, women, and small business owners. Arapahoe County Ballot Measures Extension #1A: VOTE YES The Parks and Trails Sales Tax Extension Measure Remember to vote on or before Tuesday, November 2nd You are viewing content from a previous election (November 2nd, 2021). Democratic candidate Naquetta Ricks, a Liberian immigrant and longtime resident of Aurora, brings 18 years of business and financial management experience to her bid to represent District 40. Since he has been in Congress, Buck has toed the partys extreme right-wing line. Most recently, Froelich was a primary sponsor on the Reproductive Health Equity Act, which made abortion a constitutional right for all Coloradans. Some of her biggest achievements include playing an important role in the passage of the Affordable Care Act, co-authoring an influential law that modernized our medical research fields, and spearheading two key pieces of legislation that made big improvements in protecting the safety of our nations food supply. Hickenlooper is the progressive voters best choice for U.S. senator. Bingo Raffles Allow Paid Help and Repeal Five-Year Minimum, Local Voter Approval of Gaming Limits in Black Hawk, Central City, and Cripple Creek, Cigarette, Tobacco and Nicotine Products Tax, Prohibition on Abortions Later in Pregnancy, Iniciativa para disminuir la tasa del impuesto sobre la renta de 4.63% a 4.55%, Require Voter Approval of Certain New Enterprises Exempt from TABOR Initiative, Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave Initiative, Board of Education, 1st Congressional District, District Attorney, 18th Judicial District. Join others who love America's liberty and freedom.and want to keep and grow it. . An activist and civil rights attorney, she has worked for the Texas ACLU and started her own law firm, The Woman Lawyer. Campbell-Swanson is a mother, teacher, attorney and community advocate. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact would not take effect until an Electoral College majority of states joins. Incumbent Rep. David Ortiz has served Colorado House District 38 since 2020. 2022 Arapahoe Democrats Voter Guide Want a fully customized version of your ballot? Prior to Young's election as Treasurer, he served as a state legislature representing House District 50 in Weld County. Restoring fiscal responsibility and budgetary discipline, strengthening public institutions, and protecting Arapahoe Countys natural resources and public lands are also among his top concerns. Also vying for the seat is Martn Mendez, an Adams County Republican activist. Here in Colorado, we can see the threats we face more clearly than ever. 1-303-566-4100. But voters should be concerned about his opinions on the coronavirus and law enforcement. Incumbent State Rep. Tom Sullivan was first elected to District 37 in 2018. You can further customize your guide by identifying your district, which should be listed on your ballot. Her Republican opponent, Shane Bolling, is a management consultant working in energy. As a commissioner, he will draw on this knowledge to create revenue-generating policies to help Arapahoe get through the COVID-19 economic downturn by focusing on assisting small businesses and empowering them to create jobs. Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder Joan Lopez is seeking re-election in her role. Jessica Campbell-Swanson is running for Arapahoe County Commissioner, District 2 to bring about a healthy, thriving and sustainable Arapahoe County. The first bill he sponsored, the End Dark Money Act, would prevent mega-donors from being able to hide their political contributions. She brags about creating the original Tea Party and accuses Democrats of wanting special treatment of minority groups. Running against him is Steve House, the former chair of the Colorado Republican Party and a one-time gubernatorial candidate. In an interview with the Englewood Herald last year, Froelich said she commended the legislatures work to ban anti-LGBTQ conversion therapy and helping create true ID documents for transgender folks and that she would continue to work on issues like paid family leave and protecting the new full-day kindergarten program. Incumbent Gov. From his earliest votes in Congress, Gardner has consistently sought to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The revenue from this measure would provide $375 million to publicschools over the next three years to offset budget cuts from COVID-19, with $90 million specifically going to rural school districts. Bidens experience handling the economic recovery with Obama after the Great Recession of 2009 will inform his actions to help individuals, families, small businesses, and local and state governments that are struggling badly as a result of the botched response to the pandemic. Privacy Policy Maintaining the Gallagher Amendments ratio of residential to business property tax has forced the state to step in with dwindling general fund revenue, causing budget cuts to critical services and an overall proportional reduction in total education funding over time. Our Districts. Plomar lists three key priorities that will define her work as an at-large State Board of Education member: academic excellence, respecting teachers, and transparency and accountability. DeGette has been recognized for her ability to work across party lines to deliver results. As chair of a key oversight panel, DeGette has led the effort to hold the Trump administration accountable for separating undocumented children from their families. Incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet joined the U.S. Senate in 2009 after Colorado Gov. Ortiz is a retired United States Army veteran helicopter pilot who was injured in Afghanistan. Click here to choose your customized guide. We recommend voting for Spiegel, a candidate whose agenda aligns with our values. Crows district is the most diverse in Colorado, with 1 in 5 residents being born outside the United States; Crow has said this is what makes his community such a special place to live. While in the Senate, Gardner has been a reliable Republican vote on the overwhelming majority of issues. McCorkle is also an unabashed environmentalist who intends to fight for a Green New Deal not just to address the existential threat of climate change and rapidly transition energy production but to reinvest in rural America and create thousands of good-paying jobs in his district. Rob, is a system architect for UCHealth. Incumbent U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette is seeking her 14th term representing Colorados 1st Congressional District. He seems to take no positions on anything else. Buck also voted in favor of the 2017 tax reform bill, which heavily favored the wealthy and corporations while increasing tax burdens on the middle class. Jodeh is the clear choice in this race. Of course, we all want to pay less, but, what is hidden here is that our taxes pay for services like schools, health, and public safety. He has not made any policy statements widely known. Being progressive means voting on every race and every issue to build the future we want. Arapahoe County Elections Your Community. She has been a champion of environmental justice, and has worked to ban anti-LGBTQ conversion therapy. Sullivan is running against conservative Republican Tom Kim is the Republican candidate. His priorities are passing anti-abortion rights legislation, repealing gun safety laws, and protecting what he calls a traditional family structure. He opposes Black Lives Matter protests, characterizing protesters as turmoil-seeking vandals. Arapahoe County Voter Guide Aurora: Ward 1 Bill Gondrez Ward 2 Steve Sundberg Ward 3 Jono Scott At Large (choose two) Danielle Jurinsky Dustin Zvonek Becky Hogan School Board Christy Cummings School Board Danielle Tomwing Cherry Creek School District: (choose one for District D) Schume Navarro He is a Marine Corps veteran and prosecutor in both Boulder County and District 18 and specializes in cold cases. This fund would be made by dedicating one-tenth of one percent (0.01%) of federal taxable income to fund housing programs. Bolling has not taken any issue positions except for his unabashed support for Donald Trump. Full text on the ballot: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution requiring that to be qualified to vote at any election an individual must be a United States citizen? Buckner knows what its like to have a working family just trying to get by, which is exactly why she sponsored bills in the legislature to help working women get paid what they are owed. Thats why hes so proud of the fact that every bill hes passed in the legislature has had bipartisan support. Colorado offers special property tax exemptions for veterans with permanently disabilities. If you have questions, please contact the Town Clerk at 303-644-3249 ext. Lisa Escrcega knows how important schools are for kids. The incumbent he faces is U.S. Sen. Ken Buck, a former prosecutor and district attorney in Weld County who has been in Congress since 2014. Trump scrapped a bill requiring airlines to disclose bag fees, blocked consumers from suing banks, ignored the growing crisis over student loans, lifted bans on transferring military equipment to local law enforcement which has exacerbated police-citizen conflicts, particularly in relation to Black Lives Matter protests, and has set off a trade war with China that has done tremendous economic damage to American agricultural producers and manufacturers. He signed three landmark gun safety laws in 2013 that banned high-capacity magazines and required background checks for any firearm transfer. Across Arapahoe County, the pandemic has caused unemployment to spike, and people are looking for strong, unified leadership. | We're proud to offer these "how-to" sheets for voters fluent in the six most widely spoken languages by Arapahoe County Voters. | She also is a strong supporter of the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR), which is the primary cause for a number of our budget shortfalls and one of the reasons Colorado is falling behind on education. The Colorado National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Referendum (Proposition 113) would affirm the Colorado General Assemblys passage of Senate Bill 19-042, which entered Colorado into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to ensure Colorado's Electoral College votes are awarded to the winner of the nationwide popular vote in presidential elections. He is a clear progressive choice who, if elected, plans to bring people with diverse backgrounds and beliefs together to build an American society where we lift each other up so that we all benefit together. Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee. John Hickenlooper's federal liaison in Washington, D.C. and as an attorney for President Barack Obama's presidential campaign. Representative Tom Sullivan is seeking election to the Colorado State Senate to represent District 27. Citing the hardships and tragic consequences of gun violence, Ricks has said shes committed to increasing public safety by supporting legislation on gun safety. Any tax changes would be listed with a dollar amount and a plus sign [+] for increased taxes or a negative sign [-] for lower taxes. Leslie Summey is running for Arapahoe County Commissioner, District 4. The Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress Program would raise sales tax on marijuana purchases from 15% to 20% over three years to fund out-of-school educational programs for children ages 5-17, with a priority for providing programs for low-income households. Amendment C, Bingo Raffles Allow Paid Help and Repeal Five-Year Minimum We have noticed you are using an ad blocking plugin in your browser. . Her Republican opponent, Shane Bolling, is a management consultant working in energy. Bates has participated in the districts Beyond Diversity Training and is committing to tackling her own unconscious biases and creating a more equitable district. Hamrick is running to improve education funding, bring about common sense gun safety legislation, and to lower the cost of living for working families from health care to housing. Her campaign website contains some generic platitudes like supporting the economy, wanting more money for fixing roads, and supporting the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR). There is no requirement in Colorado to apply for an absentee ballot.. 16 and 17 year-olds are eligible to pre-register to vote in Colorado. Challenging him is Jim Parker, an Arapahoe County resident and Republican activist. McGaheys emphasis on fiscal conservancy and constitutional freedoms reflect conservative stances that are likely to obstruct progress in Colorado. Kelly Bates deserves your vote for District D. Her experience, policies, and endorsements from partner organizations make her the clear progressive choice in this election. Kathy Plomar has been heavily invested in public education as former President of the Adams 12 Board of Education and former President of the Parent Teacher Organization. Keith is a champion of working people, small businesses, and job creation. Crystal Murillo was the youngest as well as the first Latina elected to the Aurora City Council in 2017. Incumbent U.S. Rep. Jason Crow, a lawyer and former Army Ranger who completed three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, is running for reelection in Colorado's 6th Congressional District. After graduating, James was commissioned into the United States Navy. Wanda James is an entrepreneur and a graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder, Class of 1986. Spring wine and chalk art festival Buy tickets now and save $10 off admission. His other priorities include preventing gun violence, combatting the effects of climate change, ensuring small businesses are able to thrive, and fighting for a bold investment in Americas infrastructure. Bates other opponent, Schum Navarro is a QAnon conspiracy theorist campaigning against the science-backed COVID safety measures of mask-wearing and vaccines. In his short time in office, Bridges has helped pass legislation to support full-day kindergarten, lower the cost of health care in the state, allow all Colorado employees to earn paid sick leave, and reinvest money in transportation without raising taxes. One of her primary goals is to foster a nurturing environment for students of all backgrounds, races, sexualities, and abilities. Progressives should be very comfortable giving him all their support to continue doing good work. Amid his general anti-progressive posts are ones with conspiracy theories about COVID-19 data and criticism that the legislature has let the governor run Colorado unchecked. Proposition 121 permanently cuts Colorado's individual and corporate income tax rate from 4.55 percent to 4.40 percent. Moreover, in an August post on his campaigns social media, he suggests he wouldnt have supported comprehensive sexuality education in schools, wouldnt have prohibited conversion therapy, and wouldnt have passed the red-flag law. Froelichs experience as a successful legislator, dedication to the people of Colorado, and progressive policy platform make her the preferred candidate in this race. Districts and jurisdictions listed below reflect current boundaries, not what may have applied previously. He is anti-choice, opposes reasonable gun safety legislation, and has said that being gay is a choice. He supports protecting DREAMers and passing comprehensive immigration reform and has called for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to end its contracts with private prison companies. Arapahoe County 303-795-4511 Douglas County 303-660-7444 Jefferson County 303-271-8111 City of Littleton Designated Election Official: Colleen Norton, City Clerk 2255 West Berry Avenue Littleton, CO 80120 303-795-3780 She is also a board member for Colorados Womens Lobby and has taught at the University of Denver. Incumbent U.S. Rep. Jason Crow, a lawyer and former Army Ranger who completed three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, is running for reelection in Colorado's 6th Congressional District. The Allow Voters in Central, Black Hawk, and Cripple Creek Cities to Expand Authorized Games and Increase Maximum Bets Initiative (Amendment 77) would allow voters in these three gambling towns to vote to increase the maximum single bet allowed for any game beyond the current statewide limit of $100. Ruby Dickson is the progressive candidate running for Colorado House District 37 to succeed outgoing Rep. Tom Sullivan. Buckner has already shown us that she knows who sent her to the legislature, and progressive voters should support her to keep up the good work. Amendment 76, Citizenship Qualification of Electors Remember to vote on or before Tuesday, November 8th. His legal career has been marred by numerous ethical scandals, including compromising a case against Republican donors and declining to prosecute a sexual assault, instead blaming the victim. Incumbent Treasurer Dave Young is running for his second term as Colorado Treasurer after winning office in 2018. REGISTER NOW ELECTION TRANSPARENCY Drop off a mail-in ballot, vote in-person, register to vote in-person, update voter registration, or request a replacement ballot. She definitely doesnt hit the singingly progressive notes that Kolker does, and he could do more in the office. Learn what services are provided and where. Your location has several House districts. Kolker is the one progressives should give their support to in this race. She will also work to address growth in Colorado. Her history as a staff developer, coach, and consultant demonstrates that she will follow through on her promise to fight for Colorado students and families. The deadline to nominate a teenager for the Douglas County Youth Initiative Outstanding Youth Awards ends March 3. Republican Dustin Bishop is also vying for the seat. In 2016, she founded Heritage Heights Academy, a charter school within the district. At a time when Colorado is still rebounding from several disasters, this amendment would effectively paralyze our state in times of future emergencies, when our government needs more flexibility and responsiveness, not less. Baker falls short on pandemic response: On the COVID-19 mask mandate, his concern was that the Tri-County Health Department mandated masks without allowing public comments (even though scientists and public health experts have said over and over again that masks are proven to stop the spread of the virus). This one involves Pennock Elementary. He is taking on incumbent State Rep. Richard Champion, an energy businessman and diehard right-wing conservative who toes the party line instead of representing his constituents. Jared Polis' record of public service to the state of Colorado goes back over two decades to his election in 2000 to serve as at-large member of the Colorado State Board of Education. Upcoming Election Information. Summey is working to bring about inclusivity and equity all Arapahoe County residents. She has taken various roles on the board including a term as the Board Liaison to the Colorado Special Education Advisory Committee, as well as State Board Legislative Liaison. Barrington has traveled throughout the state of Colorado and learned about the diversity in our state. Making an attempt to challenge her for the seat is perennial Libertarian candidate Michele Poague. Race. She seems to use her social media pages largely for kids entertainment and proving she has door-to-door selfie skills instead of informing people about her specific views. The single father of three kids believes the people in the district deserve a representative who is dedicated to them, not the elite. Developmental Pathways 2020 Voter Guide. When workers need to take leave, they are paid up to 90% of their salary during that time. Jack Barrington is a Navy veteran, teacher, truck driver and mechanic. Click here to choose your customized guide. Jessica Campbell-Swanson is running for Arapahoe County Commissioner, District 2 to bring about a healthy, thriving and sustainable Arapahoe County. Our building locations will be familiar, but some of the services provided may have changed. Vote in every race! As chair of a key oversight panel, DeGette has led the effort to hold the Trump administration accountable for separating undocumented children from their families. Districts and jurisdictions listed below reflect current boundaries, not what may have applied previously. Weiser's opponent is District Attorney John Kellner, who succeeded George Brauchler as Arapahoe County DA after Brauchler lost his race for Attorney General in . Register to vote online at or print and complete the paper voter registration form and return it to us by mail, email or fax. His ideals are strongly rooted in boosting hard-working families, achieving health care for all, taking responsibility for climate change, and believing that womens issues are everyones issues. But Bridges is also keenly aware that you have to reach across the aisle in order to get things done. After witnessing the parents of one of his students testifying in support of affordable housing, Lindstrom entered the Ward 2 City Council race to "move us toward implementing solutions and making lives better.". Full text on the ballot: Shall state taxes be increased by $294,000,000 annually by imposing a tax on nicotine liquids used in e-cigarettes and other vaping products that is equal to the total state tax on tobacco products when fully phased in, incrementally increasing the tobacco products tax by up to 22% of the manufacturer's list price, incrementally increasing the cigarette tax by up to 9 cents per cigarette, expanding the existing cigarette and tobacco taxes to apply to sales to consumers from outside of the state, establishing a minimum tax for moist snuff tobacco products, creating an inventory tax that applies for future cigarette tax increases, and initially using the tax revenue primarily for public school funding to help offset revenue that has been lost as a result of the economic impacts related to COVID-19 and then for programs that reduce the use of tobacco and nicotine products, enhance the voluntary Colorado preschool program and make it widely available for free, and maintain the funding for programs that currently receive revenue from tobacco taxes, with the state keeping and spending all of the new tax revenue as a voter-approved revenue change? Any physician who performs an abortion after 22 weeks would be found in violation of this initiative and face criminal charges and suspension of their medical license by the Colorado Medical Board. Employers may optionally contribute up to 100% of the cost of coverage; businesses with fewer than 10 employees are exempt from paying the premium, but their employees are still covered. Click here to view Arapahoe County's Public Records (CORA) policy. And please share this guide with your friends and family. This kind of political philosophy basically speaks for itself. Its clear Padden stands for progressive reforms and is the clear choice in this race. Janet Buckner, a current state representative, has long served the people of Aurora and the surrounding area and now there's a good opportunity to send her to the state senate. Most disconcerting, however, is a July post Braig shared on his campaign Facebook page saying that the Black Lives Matter movement supports black genocide because it favors abortion rights and supports white supremacy because it only addresses when a white man kills a black man and not black on black crime. With this racist line of thinking, we strongly recommend against voting for Braig. This kind of political philosophy basically speaks for itself. Chris Kolker is a former teacher and a current financial planner and small-business owner. Trumps decisions have trickled into even the most mundane things, affecting Americans on a daily basis. DeGette, a lawyer, is Colorados most senior national legislator, the dean of its nine-member delegation, and the states only woman in Congress. Colorado has emerged as a national safe haven for abortion care in these complex circumstances because of gestational bans in other states. Public Records. With all this in mind, Buck must not remain in office. His only full-fledged position on his website is being against vaccinations. As of August 2020, 14 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation that would trigger the compact in the event 270 Electoral College votes are achieved. Prior to serving as Colorado Attorney General, Weiser served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the U.S. Justice Department during the Obama administration. Ballots are mailed to all registered voters between October 8 and October 15, 2021. Welcome to the Colorado Community Media Election 2021 Voters Guide for Arapahoe County. Paid for by Progressive Voters Guide Ballot Independent Expenditure Committee and Progressive Voters Guide Ballot Committee, 1536 Wynkoop St., Denver, CO 80202, 303-991-1900, registered agent: Alan Franklin. Shes outspoken against reforming our national electoral system, which is clearly broken. Biden will restore the long-standing precedent that public health decisions are best made by public health professionals. We recommend she be retained in office to continue serving the people of Denver. He has been very critical about school and business restrictions, saying everything should open back up in favor of easier logistics and economic relief. Proposition 117 is confusing and poorly written and will lead to years of lawsuits, unintended consequences, and future cuts in education, transportation, and health care. Browse the categories at the left or select Choose My Guide to see races specific to you. One of the first things he accomplished in office was instituting a universal breakfast for low-income students, and among his top priorities is fighting for working families. Emily Sirota is the incumbent for House District 9. Crow made the case that Trump put both Ukraines safety and the U.S.s national security at risk by withholding military aid in exchange for political favors. But dont look for any specifics from Cornell. Bryan Lindstrom is a lifelong resident of Aurora and graduate of the University of Northern Colorado who currently teaches history at Hinckley High School. Privacy Policy Since election to the Aurora City Council, Murillo has continued working at the University of Denver as the Diversity Program Coordinator. Before serving in Congress, Crow spent years helping veterans like himself who struggled to receive benefits, focusing his work on veteran homelessness and substance abuse issues. There are no assigned polling places. She continues this work in Congress as co-chair of the Pro-Choice Caucus. Voters Guide for Arapahoe County Commissioner, District 2 to bring about a,. 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