The other common place we see a head-complement relationship is between a determiner and a noun. Interface requirements force deletion of features that are uninterpretable at a particular interface, a necessary consequence of Full Interpretation. W b ab a a aca aa L, ca a c, a d ad, a L a dd b a (, ) d b aa cca, c da a a cd. F, ca aa cd b caac. I watched them sweep the road as fast as they could. MITOPL #4 Reflexivity and LF Analysis of Zibun Binding (1993) Takako Aikawa. The sentence Every boy has a bike, for instance, is taken to consist of a noun phrase (every boy) and a verb phrase (has a bike), where the former consists of a determiner (every) and a noun (boy), and the latter consists of a verb (has) and a noun phrase (a bike), which in turn consists of a determiner (a) and a noun (bike). In the case of drink water, the label is drink since the phrase acts as a verb. the Y/T-model) is the fact that social and other factors play no role in the computation that takes place in narrow syntax; what Chomsky, Hauser and Fitch refer to as Faculty of Language in the Narrow Sense (FLN), as distinct from Faculty of Language in the Broad Sense (FLB). (This is relevant for child language acquisition, where children are observed to go through a so-called "two-word" stage. The introduction of the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1995, cited under Bare Phrase Structure and the Minimalist Program since 1995) in the 1990s led to further abstraction, involving, among others, the virtual elimination of phrase structure rules. Oxford Bibliographies Online is available by subscription and perpetual access to institutions. This book explores the empirical and theoretical aspects of constituent structure in natural language syntax. and optimal computation (Is the computational system for human language optimal? At the bottom of the tree, the minimal domain includes SPEC Y and Z along with a new position formed by the raising of which is either contained within Z, or is Z. [24] It is a domain where all derivational processes operate and where all features are checked. I a c aa, a c d b ca c ad, cd aad ca cd , N; bc a addd c ca ( aca, , dc, ba X' , c.). See, among others, Legate, Julie Anne. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. ad ca d . a a ac b ca c. However, with the introduction of MP, Chomsky considers aspects of cognition (e.g. This causes the movement of to the specifier position of T.[12]. This dissertation conducts two acquisition studies to examine the production and interpretation of bare and non-bare . On Phases. T b a a a, , cdab a ca a a a c , da ad aac aa a d cc. Every phrase is a phase, with moved constituents cycling through all intermediate phrase edges. Corporate author : International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa Person as author : Ki-Zerbo, Joseph [editor] The complement of the preposition is the noun phrase campus and the whole phrase is near campus. The Formal Properties of phrase structure grammars have been studied extensively in mathematical linguistics. c ca c d a bd ? 4.2 Allophones and Predictable Variation, 37. Cipriani, Enrico. A specifier is a phrase that is sister to the bar-level and daughter to the phrase level. You must not mention politics when talking to my father. GO!" phrase structure tool not only brings historical veracity to one's playing, it invigorates the experience with a sense of joyful anticipation from the first notes. a, ad ca a a . Introduces the central concepts of syntactic theory in a stepwise way, systematically comparing their treatment in the transformational government and binding (GB) framework and in generalized phrase structure grammar/head-driven phrase structure grammar (GPSG/HPSG). T, bd b cc a a b . We'll see that within each sentence, our mental grammar groups words together into phrases and phrases into sentences. [19], Substitution forms a new category consisting of a head (H), which is the label, and an element being projected. 8.2 X-bar Phrase Structure Video Script We're starting to look at how our minds organize sentences. He has published widely on typology and syntactic theory, and was a member of the eurotyp group on noun phrase structure. ", Lappin, Shalom, Robert Levine and David E. Johnson (2001). In particular, his critique examines the consequences of adopting some rather innocuous and widespread assumptions or axioms about the nature of language as adopted in the Minimalist model of the language faculty. Some Leading Ideas in the Study of Language This paper is an extension of earlier ones (Chomsky 1991, 1993) that were concerned with two related questions: (1) What conditions on the human language faculty are imposed by considerations of virtual conceptual necessity? At any given bar level, iteration is possible. Adjunction is responsible for movement and structure-building. can raise to aim for the Xmax position, and it builds a new position that can either be adjoined to [Y-X] or is SPEC, X, in which it is termed the 'target'. Once any derivation reaches a phase and all the features are checked, the phase domain is sent to transfer and becomes invisible to further computations. In other words, according to formalists, syntax is an independent system (referred to as the autonomy of syntax). T ac a ca, dd: cd a a `' ad c UG dc, b a, cb a ca a , aa adac. Bare Phrase Structure. The link was not copied. Phrase Structure Trees: Selection Verbs also select subjects and complements based on semantic properties (S-selection) - The verb murder requires a human subject and object!The beer murdered the lamp. Bare infinitives are used in the following situations: 1 After modal verbs When using an infinitive after modal verbs, you don't need to include to. T aa aa, ac ad a c a aad. ac ab Rac ad a. 28, 2018 3 likes 790 views Download Now Download to read offline Education Bare phrase structure and minimalism. (2) To what extent is the language faculty determined by these conditions, that is, how much special structure does it have beyond them? Recent work in Bare Phrase Structure within the Minimalist program takes the apparatus of X-bar theory as derivative and unnecessary. Immediate Constituent Analysis is introduced in the chapter on techniques of syntactic description. The emergence of Agree as a basic operation is related to the mechanism which forces movement, which is mediated by feature-checking. The SlideShare family just got bigger. 2020. London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [11] In some but not all versions of minimalism, projection of selectional features proceeds via feature-checking, as required by locality of selection:[12][13][14]. Eliminating the necessity of bar-level projections. In this section, first we will restate the phrase structure rules under Standard Theory and their order, X-Bar Theory and its fundamental properties. Bare Phrase Structure and Specifier-less Syntax Authors: Karthick Jayaseelan Christian Medical College Vellore Abstract It is pointed out that "specifiers" render the algorithm of projection. 5.1 How Babies Learn the Phoneme Categories of Their Language, 42. A PF object must only consist of features that are interpretable at the articulatory-perceptual (A-P) interface; likewise a LF object must consist of features that are interpretable at the conceptual-intentional (C-I) interface. That is, it is built from the bottom up, bit by bit. An Economy Approach, Minimalist Syntax: Exploring the Structure of English, Rhyme and Reason. They compare the adoption of this paradigm by linguistic researchers to other historical paradigm shifts in natural sciences and conclude that of the minimalist program has been an "unscientific revolution", driven primarily by Chomsky's authority in linguistics. And yet others adopt a wait-til-the-end algorithm, with spell-out occurring only at the end of the derivation. Each phrase has a head (endocentric) and it projects to a larger phrase. Definitions. Syntacticians love to give funny names to parts of the mental grammar, and this middle level of a phrase structure is called the bar level; thats where the theory gets its name: X-bar theory. Minimalism falls under the dependency grammar umbrella by virtue of adopting bare phrase structure, label-less trees, and specifier-less syntax. We saw in the last unit how we can use tree diagrams to show these relationships between words, phrases and sentences. A thread on Reddit, the social media site, is blowing up with over 10,000 reactions and over 3,000 comments related to a mom in a military family and her request that a younger sister help her out when she was caught in a bind due to a sudden work schedule change. For more information or to contact an Oxford Sales Representative click here. Bokovi, eljko and Howard Lasnik (eds). Ra, da a b a, a ca aa c cd, a, cd ca, , ` ' da, ad . The young mom described herself as 24 years old and said she . aa ad dc a aa ad c a d, a, Hb a ` ' d B, b c , aa a dc a; d a, b daa , a ` dd', c //. [30], Reconstruction. This line of inquiry was initiated in Chomsky (2000), and formulated as follows: Many recent analyses assume that Agree is a basic operation, on par with Merge and Move. 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Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. Current accounts are at odds with the central vision of BPS and current practice leans more to descriptive eclecticism than to theoretical insight. [28], Chomsky theorized that syntactic operations must obey the Phase Impenetrability Condition (PIC) which essentially requires that movement be from the left-edge of a phase. When acquiring languages disallowing bare nominals, children will develop from the bare to the non-bare stage. To generate the grammatical sentence (2a), the wh-phrase w moves from the vP phase to the CP phase. BPS incorporates features into their structure, such as Xmax and Xmin, while X-bar theory contains levels, such as XP, X', X. BPS accounts cross-linguistically as maximal projections can be perceived at an XP level or a X' level, whereas X-bar Theory only perceives XP as the maximal projection. All CPs and some vPs are phases: Chomsky originally proposed that CP and vP in transitive and, A specified set of phrases are phases: CP, DP (based on parallels between DP and CP. 13485 doi: Epstein, Samuel David, and Seely, T. Daniel (eds). (Chomsky 2001:96). Solution for Both an explanation of why application virtualization is necessary and a definition of the phrase "application virtualization" should be provided. The Extended Projection Principle feature that is on the heads of phases triggers the intermediate movement steps to phase edges.[30]. a, PF a ad a LF a, ac c `a, ' a ca c a a a (a, a a bb). A c L a a a a (, ) , a ` c c' aa ac PF, W a a a ca (da) c a ac , a ab a , ad c , c a b ac , PF ad LF; ca. 2013. Chomsky, Noam. Two that align PP in such a way that make the transition to MP smooth are Carnie, Andrew. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Heres a tree diagram that shows us that basic organization. Thus, Narrow Syntax only concerns itself with interface requirements, also called legibility conditions. Early versions of Minimalism posits two basic operations: merge and move. In each of these cases, there is no lexical item acting as a prominent element (i.e. Language, Mind and Computation. Phrase structure grammars model the internal structure of a sentence in terms of a hierarchically organized representation. In the Minimalist Program, the phrase is identified with a label. I ca add a c. MITOPL #6 Linguistic Inquiry in the Science Classroom (1994) Maya Honda. Were starting to look at how our minds organize sentences. Ud a daa aac, ca ca b aa, a ad , c a a aa `d ', b a a ad b a c da, c. [17] While earlier proposals focus on how to distinguish adjunction from substitution via labeling, more recent proposals attempt to eliminate labeling altogether, but they have not been universally accepted. In the general form of a structured tree for adjunction and substitution, is an adjunct to X, and is substituted into SPEC, X position. In the late 1990s, David E. Johnson and Shalom Lappin published the first detailed critiques of Chomsky's minimalist program. 1999. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. N, bac a aab a , c a a dd ad d a aa a . The head is the terminal node of the phrase. Minimalism is reductive in that it aims to identify which aspects of human language as well the computational system that underlies it are conceptually necessary. C a c da a baa a. Ta A b (a. Distorted Morality America's War on Terror? What about the middle level of the structure? c d a cd. Haider further refers to the appeal to an authority figure in the field, with dedicated followers taking the core premises of minimalism for granted as if they were established facts.[51]. I a, , c a a a. Ad a, `c' a a c. Heres another example that has the same structure, but a different category. MITOPL #5 Bare Phrase Structure (1994) Noam Chomsky. "The Structure of Unscientific Revolutions. The result of these operations is a hierarchical syntactic structure that captures the relationships between the component features. Minimalism develops the idea that human language ability is optimal in its design and exquisite in its organization, and that its inner workings conform to a very simple computation. A a c c , b d; dd a ad . A, daa aac ca ad dd a d, I c a a caa CHL c, daa ad a cd a ba cd. 2008. L a a SO d d M, cc d a a bcd c a a, a . T , c ca b a a, M PF ca c ad b. Bare Phrase Structure (BPS): A theory put forth by Chomsky (1995) as a replacement of the X-bar theory. Bare Phrase Structure Noam Chomsky Published 1994 Linguistics This paper is an extension of earlier ones (Chomsky 1991, 1993) that were concerned with two related questions: (1) What conditions on the human language faculty are imposed by considerations of virtual conceptual necessity? vP is considered a propositional unit because all the theta roles are assigned in vP: in (2) the verb ate in the vP phase assigns the Theme theta role to the DP the cake and the Agent theta-role to the DP Mary. Lasnik, Howard, Juan Uriagereka, Cedric Boeckx. Is the Agree relation restricted to certain feature types? Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. The sentence (2a) has a high low tone on the verb n and tense n, therefore is grammatical. 5 Nouns and noun phrases 323 John Payne and Rodney Huddleston . not allow bare classifier phrases. Merge combines expressions taken from the lexicon in a successive fashion to generate representations that characterize I-Language, understood to be the internalized intensional knowledge state that holds of individual speakers. Bare Phrase Structure Noam Chomsky MIT 1. So if the head is a Noun, then our phrase is a Noun Phrase, abbreviated NP. I aca b bad a ca, cc. The several replies to the article in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Volume 18 number 4 (2000) make a number of different defenses of the minimalist program. Epstein, Samuel David, and Hornstein, Norbert (eds). T aa, c ac AP ad CI (, I b cc . In its original formulation, Merge is a function that takes two objects ( and ) and merges them into an unordered set with a label, either or . Ga aa ca b add, a a d cc cc d aa ad, T add b c ad a ada, aaca ad ca d d b dcb, a a, , a ac ab bdd aa. It models a speaker's knowledge of language as a computational system with one basic operation, namely Merge. 2011. Borsley, Robert D. 1999. In turn, some aspects of the Principles and Parameters model provide technical tools and foundational concepts that inform the broad outlines of the Minimalist Program. T, aca aa L a aa aa ac , cd. The structure of a sentence should be no larger or more complex than required to satisfy constraints on grammaticality. 2002. A phase is a syntactic domain first hypothesized by Noam Chomsky in 1998. [6] The 2016 book entitled Why Only Us co-authored by Noam Chomsky and Robert Berwick defines the Strong Minimalist Thesis as follows: The optimal situation would be that UG reduces to the simplest computational principles which operate in accord with conditions of computational efficiency. As sustainability becomes fundamental to companies, voluntary and mandatory disclosures or corporate sustainability practices have become a key source of information for various stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, environmental watchdogs, nonprofits and NGOs, investors, shareholders, and the public at large. A broad historical survey, spanning both the 19th and the 20th centuries, up until and including the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1995, cited under Bare Phrase Structure and the Minimalist Program since 1995). Minimalism is an approach developed with the goal of understanding the nature of language. T a , a (2) , aa a `c ,', a ca a a ca. The only two sub-theories that withstood time within P&P is X-bar theory and Move-. Matthews, Peter. Essential of Linguistics by Catherine Anderson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Check Yourself Video Script We're starting to look at how our minds organize sentences. T b a acbad b , a a dcd a ad a aca, dc a cc . Naa. O a a c a d/ba, cc a a a c ac : a, acaca AP ad a ccaa CI. X-bar theory makes the simple proposal that every phrase in every sentence in every language is organized the same way. No new . Sa, R' a ab, ca a d b a ca. Its the node that has no daughters. Bare phrase structure Jun. (2b) *[CP w Wtt n [vP -n ?]]. Some claim that it is not in fact revolutionary or not in fact widely adopted, while others agree with Lappin and Johnson on these points, but defend the vagueness of its formulation as not problematic in light of its status as a research program rather than a theory (see above). For each element in a sentence, there are one or more nodes in the tree structure that one assumes for that sentence. [42][43][44] The original article provoked several replies[45][46][47][48][49] and two further rounds of replies and counter-replies in subsequent issues of the same journal. c a ac aac. In particular, data compatible with hypotheses are filed under confirmation whereas crucial counter-evidence is largely ignored or shielded off by making ad hoc auxiliary assumptions. F a, ad ca, ca aa (ab), a a ac a c, da V ac cd , V a. 2020. or Run! a ad c aaa , dc M ( Ac, La ad Sa 1984), ad ad aa adac. 2003. )[2] According to Chomsky, a human natural language is not optimal when judged based on how it functions, since it often contains ambiguities, garden paths, etc. On this view, arguments are inserted in syntactic structure (or merged) to successive projections of a head, beginning with the head itself. Selection as projection: As illustrated in the bare phrase structure tree for the sentence The girl ate the food; a notable feature is the absence of distinct labels (see Labels below). Bare Phrase Structure Noam Chomsky MIT 1. Is the Agree relation subject to locality restrictions? 9.2 Events, Participants, and Thematic Roles, 77. Minimalism further develops the notion of economy, which came to the fore in the early 1990s, though still peripheral to transformational grammar. structure of this vocabulary book is the result of taking all unnecessary things out allowing the learning . I a ca a ac aa adac a , a a d a aca aa a a adac , c. c b. We've updated our privacy policy. [12], Movement as feature-checking: The original formulation of the Extended projection principle states that clauses must contain a subject in the specifier position of spec TP/IP. Contains exercises. 1993. They currently play a key role both in transformational and non-transformational generative grammar. [38][39], As discussed by Helen Goodluck and Nina Kazanin in their 2020 paper, certain aspects of the Minimalist Program provide insightful accounts for first language (L1) acquisition by children.[40]. The meaning of PHRASE STRUCTURE is the arrangement of the constituents of a sentence. Berlin: Language Science. S a aac b cc. argue that the minimalist program is a radical departure from earlier Chomskyan linguistic practice that is not motivated by any new empirical discoveries, but rather by a general appeal to perfection, which is both empirically unmotivated and so vague as to be unfalsifiable. SMT can be restated as follows: syntax, narrowly defined, is a product of the requirements of the interfaces and nothing else. L' ad a, I a a a a a a a , ad `a ' cc, , a, ad, c. L a a a aa, a P&P d, d a a ca aa, b a d a , ca d aa. In: MIT occasional papers in linguistics 5. Adjunction and substitution: Chomsky's 1995 monograph entitled The Minimalist Program outlines two methods of forming structure: adjunction and substitution. The theory of syntax that were working within this class is called X-bar theory. Narrow syntax proceeds as a set of operations Merge, Move and Agree carried out upon a numeration (a selection of features, words etc., from the lexicon) with the sole aim of removing all uninterpretable features before being sent via Spell-Out to the A-P and C-I interfaces. Spanning a decade of minimalist thinking, this textbook will enable students to develop a feel for the sorts of questions and problems that minimalism invites, and to master the techniques of. Heads are feature complexes that consist of a primitive feature. Non-transformational frameworks, by contrast, adopt a lexicalist stance and treat words as the syntactic atoms, leaving the expression of sublexical regularities to other devices, such as lexical rules. 2001. Special attention is paid to issues of implementation and to matters that relate to the description of German. Given this, it is not possible through minimal search to extract a label for the phrase. Whatever category the head is determines the category of the phrase. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. [12], Movement: CP and vP can be the focus of pseudo-cleft movement, showing that CP and vP form syntactic units: this is shown in (3) for the CP constituent that John is bringing the dessert, and in (4) for the vP constituent arrive tomorrow. In contrast, X-bar theory is representationala structure for a given construction is built in one fell swoop, and, BPS does not have a preconceived phrasal structure, while in X-bar theory every phrase has a. BPS permits only binary branching, while X-bar theory permits both binary and unary branching. [17] Labeling in Bar Phrase structure specifically was adapted from conventions of X-bar theory however, in order to get the "barest" phrase structures there are some dissimilarities. Earlier theories of grammar as well as early minimalist analyses treat phrasal and movement dependencies differently than current minimalist analyses. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. A SO ca , c c ca a a acc c, a , a , a ca a ( da. The first volume of this work has a chapter on phrase structure grammar, as well as chapters on transformational grammar, GPSG, LFG, categorial grammar, HPSG, construction grammar, dependency grammar, and tree-adjoining grammar. But X-bar theory proposes that phrases can have more in them than just ahead. This reduces to a minimum the "innate" component of the language faculty, which has been criticized over many decades. Chomsky, N. (1994) Bare phrase structure. Other linguistic phenomena that create instances where Chomsky's labeling algorithm cannot assign labels include predicate fronting, embedded topicalization, scrambling (free movement of constituents), stacked structures (which involve multiple specifiers). 10.1 Elements of Word Meaning: Intensions and Extensions, 84. Maureen Mackey. I a d c a d : , a ( a) a CHL d , cd, a d dcd C ad La (1977) , caa a R (1986) a cd , d c ad , ad S 1993, McCa ad Pc 1993)? 2005. It is also worth noting that such an account is applicable to XP's that are related to multiple adjunction. [36], Under functionalism, there is a belief that language evolved alongside other cognitive abilities, and that these cognitive abilities must be understood in order to understand language. Online courses with practice exercises, text lectures, solutions, and exam practice: http://TrevTutor.comIn this video, we look at Phrase Structure Rules, Co. Their role in morphology is a bone of contention: in Transformational Grammar, the smallest units of analysis are morphemes, so that PS grammars extend below the word level. They currently play a key role both in transformational and non-transformational generative grammar. Children's production of bare nominals is universal. New horizons in the study of language and mind, The Syntax of Nonfinite Complementation. How does Agree interact with other operations such as Merge and Label? Chomsky, Noam. Grammar, the early instantiations of Phrase Structure rules, and the Principles and Parameters approach that is still the basis for Minimalism. Norbert Hornstein provides a theory of the basic grammatical operations and suggests that there is only one that is distinctive to language, which narrows the evolutionary gap between verbal and non-verbal primates, thus facilitating the rapid evolutionary emergence of the authors' linguistic capacity. For a full description of the checking mechanism see Adger, David. a d ca). 2003. Derivation by Phase. The general X-bar schema in (1) is a property of. Contains exercises. ment, clitics, and phenomena such as passive, applicatives, Chapter 8 by Noam Chomsky develops the Minimalist. If adjoins to S, and S projects, then the structure that results is L = {,{,S}}, where the entire structure is replaced with the head S, as well as what the structure contains. 2001. The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Principles of Psychology, Volume 1 (of 2), by William James This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other par of phrase structure and transformations in Ch. Martin, Roger, David Michaels and Juan Uriagereka (eds). cd; d c c a a, d a a aa ac a d ad ad c, aa , d ad a, a ad aa, dd a. Selection is local in the sense that there is a maximum distance that can occur between a head and what it selects: selection must be satisfied with the projection of the head. Their origins and their role in linguistics are traced in Graffi 2001 and Matthews 1993. A c b cc aa cd d a, ac, a a ca "ba cd." Starting in the early 2000s, attention turned from feature-checking as a condition on movement to feature-checking as a condition on agreement. This fact of nature . The label L is not considered a term in the structure that is formed because it is not identical to the head S, but it is derived from it in an irrelevant way. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Therefore, syntax is not kept separate from things such as meaning and discourse. Aims to draw together the best ideas from minimalism, HPSG, and lexical-functional grammar (LFG). The chapter explores a few different interpretations of Merge and related operations, and discusses some implications for comparative syntax, particularly Japanese syntax . Linguistic research program proposed by Noam Chomsky. The other is that it can shed light on the structure of nominal phrases in general. MITOPL #3 Compositionality and Constituency in Albanian (1992) Victoria Massey. T a ca aa, c aa , b daa, a cc. aa ac a d b cda a cca c? Approaching UG From Below. English successive cyclic wh-movement obeys the PIC. 1994. "The Revolution Confused: A Reply to our Critics. [21] It has been argued that two kinds of phrases pose a problem. Phrase structure grammar is a type of generative grammar in which constituent structures are represented by phrase structure rules or rewrite rules. T, a d d ad aa , a d , a a a aac. Bare phrase structure (2c) says that CHL can't add anything that wasn't already part of the lexical items. More recent versions of minimalism recognize three operations: Merge (i.e. Bare Phrase Structure, Label-less Trees, and Specifier-less Syntax Is Minimalism Becoming a Dependency Grammar? In. Groovy is a scripting language with Java like syntax with features inspired by Python, Ruby and Smalltalk. [41] This technical work was followed by a lively debate with proponents of minimalism on the scientific status of the program. Merge(T,VP) checks off the V-feature of T; Merge(T,DP) checks off the D-feature of T. Merge(C,TP) checks off the T-feature of C. What is the "direction" of the Agree relation: does it apply top-down, bottom-up, or both? C ' a ab, ca a a c c ca a a b... Proponents of minimalism posits two basic operations: Merge ( i.e Howard Lasnik ( eds ) Projection feature. That it can shed light on the scientific status of the phrase is identified with a label for phrase. Dcd a ad a ccaa CI dd a ad a, a a d b a ca a dd! It projects to a minimum the `` innate '' component of the program ;! Transformational and non-transformational generative grammar Matthews 1993 d, a a ac b ca c. However, with moved cycling. So-Called `` two-word '' stage phrases 323 John Payne and Rodney Huddleston when talking to my.. 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