Disclaimer: This case study is intended to be used as an educational resource and does not indicate an independent evaluation or endorsement by FishWise. Workers in the construction industry who build our stores and carry out renovations, Agency labour in our distribution and logistics operations, Workers in security for our offices and stores, and cleaning staff. We also believe that the development of robust action plans and identifying the specific roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders is a key step in our risk mitigation process. The ETI report we prepare is scrutinised by trade union and NGO members of ETI (members include the Trades Union Congress,CAREandAnti-Slavery International) and feedback is provided to us to help us review our activities and improve. Its our responsibility to ensure that we treat candidates fairly and with. The amendments did not ban labour brokering. Our updated approach is based on three pillars: improving standards for people working in our own operations and our supply chains through continuous improvement programmes with suppliers, driving transformative industry-wide efforts to address endemic labour and community issues, and using our convening power to advocate for change. Why is it important to have ethical recruitment practices? Here are some tips: Make sure that youre transparent with candidates about the role, the company, and the recruitment process. This paper highlights methodological and ethical considerations that emerged while . Building upon our previous pilot work in South Africa, Tesco is working with SIZA (Sustainability Initiative of South Africa) on schemes to improve access to and understanding of operational-level grievance mechanisms. We have a duty of care to candidates, and we should always strive to act in their best interests. Read more on Hiring and recruitment or related topics Technology and analytics and Business ethics Ben Dattner is an executive coach and organizational development consultant, and the founder of . In addition to work in our own operations on this issue detailed above, we have supported a number of programmes linked to tackling forced labour. Let us manage your staffing requirements, whether that is permanent or temporary, blue collar or white collar, from general workers to CEOs. Its the only way to conduct business, and it will help you build a strong reputation as an ethical recruitment company. It's our responsibility to ensure that we treat candidates fairly and with respect. For the most part, this purpose has had the effect of increased protection for marginal workers and the introduction of a legislative framework to ensure temporary services are indeed temporary and not exploitative in any way. Together with other companies, investors and business associations, calling on the UK government to introduce a Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) law. It is important that clear standards are upheld on issues such as: working hours, health and safety, no child or forced labour, freedom of association and ensuring that discrimination does not take place. We see it as necessary for any company manufacturing electronics to have a policy on the sourcing of conflict minerals - this would include the company's commitment to sourcing 3TG minerals in a conflict-free environment in the DRC region. Its the morally correct way to conduct business, and it will help you build a strong reputation as an ethical recruitment company. Labour laws protecting job seekers from unethical recruitment, If youre found to be breaking the law, you could be. Worker representation is key to ensuring worker feedback goes beyond whistleblowing and is identified as one of our four human rights pillars. We ensure any interviews are done from a worker-centred approach and are voluntary. Transparency plays a key part in our human rights strategy and allows us to continually improve the way we source our products. These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allow us to recognise you and optimise your browsing experience on this Site. Our second strategic theme in our human rights strategy is modern slavery, an issue which we recognise is widespread in food and non-food supply chains. Examples include: Our responsible sourcing and technical team members meet regularly with our strategic suppliers to discuss their human rights risks, mitigation approaches and review progress against identified KPIs. Jump to accessibility statement (accesskey 0), Board, Board Committees and Executive Committee, Group statement of comprehensive income/(loss), Human Rights Impact Assessment within the Vietnamese Prawn supply chain, minimum standards on Responsible Sourcing, Simplified trade terms for Central European suppliers, Helping our clothing suppliers respond to Covid-19, Approximately 190 million women work in global supply chains, joint letter in 2020 to the Royal Thai Government, Environmental Justice Foundations Transparency Charter, https://siza.co.za/when-grievance-becomes-a-good-practice/, full list of first tier food and grocery non-food suppliers. Each candidate is eager to know more about the place where they will work, the culture, their tasks, and company goals. Bananas: livelihoods and worker representation, Citrus fruits: livelihoods and gender equality, Cocoa: livelihoods, forced and child labour. The Social Responsibility Assessment (SRA) Tool, Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing, Ethical Trading Initiatives Working Group for Italian Agriculture. In our non-food supply base, we launched an Ethical First initiative with internal colleagues and all Own Brand general merchandise and apparel suppliers. Working with suppliers to establish forums that build suppliers capabilities to manage human rights effectively. Guides to the greenest way to wash, clean, cook and more. We have worked with ETI closely to address multiple cases of trade union discrimination in factories in Sri Lanka, India and Turkey. This includes a training course for businesses and suppliers to understand the benefits an effective grievance mechanism can have on workplace relations, as well as a toolkit to strengthen the implementation of grievance procedures at site level. We also cover greenwashing, boycotts, the climbing industry, tourism and other issues. If the supplier agrees and implements this approach, we will continue working with them. Only with this will timely and impactful steps to be taken to improve working conditions for workers and rights holders. There are many laws governing recruitment, and if you break these laws, you could face serious penalties. Presenting a job opening to a candidate is presenting the company itself. Working with suppliers to conduct risk assessments of the recruitment process is critical to mitigating risks of debt bondage associated with recruitment fees, coercion, threats, and other forms of exploitation. Recruitment refers to select the right person for the right position of the job. As a responsible retailer we are committed to building fully inclusive and productive supply chains where both men and women are empowered, have equal access to opportunities and are able to realise their full potential. Audits also assess if a majority of workers are aware of who their representatives are and if they are satisfied with their effectiveness. Using employee reviews is an excellent way of . 1. We also cover issues such as animal testing, plastics and toxic chemicals. They will also inform Tesco of any issues that the supplier refused to acknowledge or that could not be verified. It will help you build trust, attract top talent, and avoid legal problems. In September 2019 we saw that in the period 2018-2019 Dave Lewis was paid 4,600,000. Phthalates, in some forms or uses, has actually been banned and restricted in the USA and EU respectively. Scientists and researchers must always adhere to a certain code of conduct when collecting data . Tesco had a pledge for zero discharge of hazardous chemicals by 2020, but this did not include electronics, only agriculture, textiles and leather. Expand promotion of the Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline down UK supply chains and own operations. Tesco also works with unions and NGOs across its supply chains on worker education and freedom of association. Allegations and reports of human rights abuse are reviewed at Risk and Compliance Committee meetings in each of our operating markets and, at a group level, by the Group Risk and Compliance Committee chaired by the Group Chief Executive. We will continue to advocate and work in partnership with governments and other stakeholders to help overcome such systemic challenges within our supply chains. TDR has high risk subsidiaries for likely use of tax avoidance strategies in Jersey, Guernsey, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, all of which are on Ethical Consumer's list of tax havens. and why you should always strive to conduct ethical recruiting practices. We have also found management are usually more respectful of organised workers. We have discussed why ethical recruitment is essential, but what does unethical recruitment look like? Make sure youre familiar with all the laws and regulations governing recruitment in your country. Results of this assessment can be foundhereand a summary of the findings can be found below: Building on this experience, we remain committed to conducting HRIAs where they can bring about the most value. look like? Tesco enlisting and Selection procedure: Tesco is the biggest private sector employer in the UK. Examples of this work include our involvement in theMalawi 2020tea project, involvement in the World Banana ForumLiving Wage Advocacy Initiative, and ongoing collaboration with IDH living wage roadmap of which we sit on the steering committee. Tesco also continued to sell other branded products from companies that did still test on animals. Advocacy via our in-country human rights teams with labour ministers in a number of countries to promote decent wages and working hours for agricultural workers, which have helped encourage dialogue between government and trade unions, Advocacy with the UK government calling for greater support for victims of modern slavery, Advocacy by strategic suppliers to Tesco with governments in Europe to promote formalised labour recruitment systems akin to the model used in the UK. We believe that recruitment should be fair, transparent, and legal. See policy. This discrimination is not only unethical, but its also illegal based on South African legislation. In 2019, we initiated our first HRIA in the Vietnamese Prawn supply chain. You can download our full human rights requirements for food and grocery non-food suppliershere. , or both. It also lost half a mark under Anti-Social Finance because it didn't publish its directors' pay. In addition, we will continue to support our suppliers to conduct HRIAs where it is more appropriate for them to lead (e.g. This includes: climate change, palm oil, environmental reporting, habitats & resources,pollutions and toxics, human rights, worker's rights, irresponsible marketing, animal rights, animal testing, factory farming,use of controversial technologies, political activities, and anti-social finance. We believe that improving labour standards in the supply chain is a shared responsibility and our approach is to integrate the cost of doing business responsibly into the final cost of goods, rather than being an additional bolt-on or premium, where possible. How workers are represented in the workplace; Sustainable livelihoods for workers and smallholder farmers. We have also worked with factories in Bangladesh, India and Turkey which supply to Tesco to engage in the ETI Social Dialogue Programme to empower worker representatives and ensure free election of worker representatives. Our team of 45 responsible sourcing specialists based across 9 key sourcing countries increase visibility into on-the-ground concerns. Where a collaborative project with other interested parties has come to its completion Tesco will frequently continue to support the objectives of the project. You can ensure that youre conducting. In Latin America in particular, we monitor all sites (both packhouses and farms) to ensure workers are able to democratically elect their representatives to worker committees. We also investigate tariffs, carbon offsets and fracking. The objectives of strategy are: To be a successful international retailer To grow the core UK business To be as strong in non-food as in food. For instance, how can the method and scope be adapted to focus on more specific issues or risks e.g. Tesco is a British multinational groceries and general merchandise retailer. Our Human Rights Requirements for Tesco UK Food and Grocery non-food suppliers are updated on an annual basis in consultation with internal and external stakeholders. Where we identify clear cases of human rights abuses, we work to rectify those abuses and ensure remediation, partnering with charities and NGOs as required. We have dedicated staff in Thailand, South Africa and Costa Rica who are in regular contact with suppliers in their respective regions to provide training and guidance on issues ranging from discrimination to working hours and labour agency management. A hiring process should have a regular, reliable cadence that allows positions to be filled in a timely manner and doesn't leave candidates in an endless process. Apparel factories supplying Tesco F&F. PDF 406KB. by following these tips and staying up to date on legislative changes. Ethical recruitment is simply the right thing to do, but there are a number of crucial reasons for businesses and agencies to hire ethically: When we adhere to ethical standards, we ensure that we treat candidates fairly and respectfully. The seafood industry relies on a range of workers, from fishers to aquaculture farmers to workers in processing facilities, many of whom are migrants. Tesco is the UK's largest supermarket chain. Dont play favourites or show bias towards any particular candidate. We have a responsibility to respect the human rights of, and an opportunity to make a difference to, our colleagues, our customers, the communities we operate in and the people who work throughout our supply chain. The recruitment process can be very stressful, and its easy to make ethical lapses when youre under pressure. Tesco works with suppliers all around the world which means labor issues can arise, including in the recruitment process. Specialist HR & IR Solutions Johannesburg, Specialist HR & IR Solutions Port Elizabeth, Theres no question that recruitment is a critical part of any business. In addition, we sometimes make entirely unannounced visits if we have particular concerns, including to validate audit findings. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. More information on our sustainable livelihood strategy can be foundhere. Job seekers have rights just like their employers and recruiters do, and there are specific questions that youre not allowed to ask them. For example, dont promise a higher salary than what the company is willing to pay. Assessing the living wage or income gaps and identifying opportunities to support workers, farmers or communities to prosper. Being fair and unbiased can ensure that youre making the best recruitment decisions and hiring the most talented candidates. Here are some of the most common: Dont make promises to candidates that you cant keep. Tesco is leading in this space by working with suppliers to understand and mitigate risks relating to recruitment and by remediating situations in which the rights of workers have been violated. These products and ingredients have been identified using several indicators including the importance to customers (those most regularly bought), the sustainability impact or risk of the product and where we have the ability to drive change (enabling environment). The company has more than 360,000 employees worldwide. Measured Ability is a Recruitment Agency and Labour Broker / Outsourcer, providing staff for all industries all over South Africa and into Africa and the Middle East. The reports provide detail of site audit data of first tier sites, including non-compliances with the ETI Base Code. This project will be coordinated by the Food Network for Ethical Trade (FNET) and implemented in collaboration with other retailers and industry stakeholders. To address these document withholding issues, Tesco worked with suppliers to return the documents and instituted a document retention policy. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In the 2020 KnowTheChain Food and Beverage Benchmark Findings Report, Tesco was the highest-scoring company on the theme of Worker Voice, which assesses how companies seek to ensure that supply chain workers understand and are able to exercise their rights., A story from KnowTheChain, Responsible Recruitment of Migrant Workers, Why are Worker-Paid Recruitment Fees a Problem? The key focus is on enabling workers to raise their own concerns and ensure they are addressed, which is crucial for the empowerment of migrant workers who are often vulnerable to exploitation. We also cover issues such as palm oil, soya, low carbon diets and labels. healthcare) may be insufficient. Examples of these are shared below. Today we continue to work with Issara Institute and, in addition to the working with poultry suppliers, they also works with our suppliers in the seafood sector too. This may include ethical audits, collaborative projects or training workers to understand their human rights. Guides to electronic devices, broadband and phone networks. One such tool is Human Rights Impact Assessments (HRIAs). Dont make false promises to candidates to get them to accept a job offer. Welcome to Tesco UK Careers where we showcase all the available jobs across the business that we are recruiting for. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Our human rights strategy, which was updated in 2019, identifies four priority thematic areas: Further details are provided on each of these thematic areas in the Transform section below. Although people despise a terrible boss, an unethical recruiter or hiring manager is just as bad. As outlined in the 2020 KnowTheChain Food and Beverage Benchmark Findings Report, Tesco found that passports and work permits of 13 Burmese workers were withheld at a factory in Thailand and the identity cards of 44 workers were held by a factory in India. All Tesco UK Buying Managers and Technical Managers are required to attend internal training which covers topics such as responsible sourcing, human rights and modern slavery. The review process included interviews with 220 workers at 10 sites (4 processing sites and 6 farms) across four poultry suppliers. For existing suppliers, where performance is strong across the three pillars including on responsible sourcing, we also look to reward where possible (for example, with increased volumes). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Stalking candidates on social media is a form of invasion of privacy and can damage your reputation if word gets out. SMETA, a SEDEX initiative, helps consumer brands and their suppliers reduce duplication and ensure better quality auditing by setting out a robust methodology and a common format for the audit report and its corresponding corrective action plan. To address these document withholding issues, Tesco worked with suppliers to return the documents and instituted a document retention policy. Although we have a zero tolerance approach to critical breaches of the ETI Base Code, it is important to note that we do not abandon suppliers facing such problems. In 2020, we also begun piloting &Wider, a simple mobile survey that allows us to listen directly to workers, in a sample of key supply chains. Here are some of the most common: Failing to disclose important information, Ethical recruitment is not only the right thing to do, but its also good for business. In our own operations and procurement, dedicated head office staff work closely with all service providers, as well as our internal People function, Distribution Centre and Security Managers to help address risks. Its our responsibility to ensure that we treat candidates fairly and with respect. If youre found to be breaking the law, you could be fined, imprisoned, or both. For priority products, a member of the Responsible Sourcing Team will additionally review each supplier and advise on supplier performance from a responsible sourcing perspective. More information about the training as well as the updated toolkit Grievance Procedures: A Best Practice Guideline is available here: https://siza.co.za/when-grievance-becomes-a-good-practice/. If candidates trust us, theyre more likely to work with us again in the future. You can also check out, The Advantages of Expert Industrial Relations, Here are some interesting links for you! Considering the specific context of the industry, country, and site to ensure mechanisms are meaningful is important and we recognise that access to grievance mechanisms may be more limited for women, migrant workers, and smallholders. Guides for finding ethical and environmentally friendly food brands. Its important not to make promises that you cant keep, such as guaranteeing a job or offering unrealistic salaries. Explore independent interpreting solutions to overcome language barriers within worker interviews. However, this practice can present an opportunity for some suppliers to prepare sites and coach workers prior to an audit in an attempt to manipulate findings. We know that, together with remediation, they are key to tackling human rights exploitation and abuse. Together with technical teams, the responsible sourcing team develop annual responsible sourcing plans, which identify the priority projects for the year ahead and what specific actions or support is required from technical or commercial colleagues. Our due diligence framework has five stages: More detail of each stage is outlined below. Example: Food Sector. Tesco operates in 12 states outside the . Ethical considerations are slightly different compared to legal ones in that they include elements that are not required by law but when implemented they ensure that the process is fair, even if legal action could not be taken. The rating is based on a number of sources, including the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Global Rights Index, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Human Development Index, the Modern Slavery Vulnerability and Prevalence Indices compiled by The Walk Free Foundations Global Slavery Index (GSI), the United States Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report, Transparency Internationals Corruption Perception Index, Freedom Houses Freedom in the World index and UNICEF and the Global Child Forums Children's Rights and Business Atlas. Well also look at some of the most common unethical practices in recruitment and provide tips for avoiding them. Such as guaranteeing a job or offering unrealistic salaries their tasks, and it will help you a! Unannounced visits if we have discussed why ethical recruitment practices you should always strive to conduct,. 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